XServe Server Monitor crash - Fixed!

I administer an XServe for our group at work, and like to keep the Server Monitor utility open every now and then to make sure the box is up and happy.

I guess I haven't tried running it in a while (since 11/5, in fact, which is when I installed a bunch of OS and Apple Remote Desktop updates), but when I launched it this morning, it just crashed to the desktop immediately on launch, with this message in the console:

12/2/08 2:31:48 PM [0x0-0x502502].com.apple.servermonitor[15273] dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PlatformHardwareManagement.framework/Versions/A/PlatformHardwareManagement
12/2/08 2:31:48 PM [0x0-0x502502].com.apple.servermonitor[15273]   Referenced from: /Applications/Server/Server Monitor.app/Contents/MacOS/Server Monitor
12/2/08 2:31:48 PM [0x0-0x502502].com.apple.servermonitor[15273]   Reason: Incompatible library version: Server Monitor requires version 1.2.0 or later, but PlatformHardwareManagement provides version 1.0.0

The last line was the key, I had a wrong version of a framework library.

Checking Time Machine, it turns out that an older version of the library was installed on my machine during the ARD update on 11/5. The link at the top of this post is a link to an Apple Discussion Forum posting that indicates this was a problem with Apple's updater for ARD, which dropped the old library in my Frameworks directory and broke Server Monitor.

Two clicks in Time Machine, and the old (newer) version of the library was back in place, and everything's happy again.

I hope this helps someone else who is having trouble getting their Server Monitor running.
