I had a troublesome Linux client being backed up by Retrospect (Windows). This client kept automatically deferring each backup request, causing a never-ending loop of "backup.. request.. defer", and the client never got backed up.
Thanks to the thread linked above, the solution was relatively simple. For the proactive backup script, set the Countdown to 0, and it won't try to pop-up a window to tell the (non-existent, since this is a headless server) user that it's about to be backed up. No pop-up, no option to defer, no auto-defer.
I think this is because the server can't pop up a window to ask for deferral, so it auto-defers.
Another mystery solved.
Thanks to the thread linked above, the solution was relatively simple. For the proactive backup script, set the Countdown to 0, and it won't try to pop-up a window to tell the (non-existent, since this is a headless server) user that it's about to be backed up. No pop-up, no option to defer, no auto-defer.
I think this is because the server can't pop up a window to ask for deferral, so it auto-defers.
Another mystery solved.