More MobileMe Hilarity Ensues

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

MobileMe is still very much a mess.

Today's fun: My MobileMe account reports that the credit card I have on file has a "problem". Yet, for the past few days, whenever I go in to try to fix this supposed problem, MobileMe either:
  1. Hangs,
  2. Tells me my credit card information is not valid,
  3. Charges my card $1 and winds up getting it flagged for fraud.
Seriously. I had a card blocked by the issuer because Apple's "validation" looked like suspicious activity. Gee, thanks Apple! I didn't need that card anyway.

Further, synchronization is busted as of yesterday afternoon. Mail messages arrive twice on my iPhone (usually after I delete them on the phone, they'll just re-appear). Maybe it's a feature of MobileMe where it just knows I couldn't possibly have intended to delete a message, so it just restores it for me. Poof! The magic of MobileMe!

And finally, calendar synchronization isn't working. Changes on the desktop don't push up to the cloud (visibly), and don't push back down to my iPhone.

Unless I make a change on my iPhone. Then, everything synchronizes (visibly).

And so it goes..
