Lots of things today

Well, two.

First: I was having trouble with Aperture 2.0.1 not applying white balance settings correctly when using the eyedropper. I'd click on the dropper, click on the neutral-grey in my picture, and blam -- the white balance would wind up massively wrong.

A blog entry here, though, pointed me in the right direction. See, Aperture 2 seems to have this bug where the first white balance change -- any change, be it a slider movement or the eyedropper -- causes this radical shift in white-balance values disproportionate to the change being made. That's what I was seeing, because the bug apparently also affected the automatic change done with the eyedropper tool.

So -- using that post's workaround (i.e., apply white balance settings manually by clicking the tick-mark enabling white balance adjustment, then apply the dropper change) worked great for me. And hopefully Aperture will get this fixed in the next rev.


iPhone! iPhone! The SDK was released today, and the firmware update coming (in June, though) will enable a ton of enterprise-class features. The two that have me jazzed are licensed support for Microsoft's Enterprise ActiveSync (direct to Exchange), and support for Cisco's VPN client so that it will work with my company's Cisco VPN concentrator.

A banner day for the iPhone! Can't wait for the update. Now I wish Apple's developer web site were capable of handling all the people trying to get the SDK; I haven't been able to get in all afternoon. Soon!
